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RN to M.S. in Nursing

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如果你有非护理专业的学士学位, an associate degree in Nursing, and are working at least 16 hours/week as an RN, then this program is designed for you!

这个独特的课程将允许你获得护理学士学位和护理硕士学位 Nursing Education OR Nursing Leadership and Administration. Coursework is 100% online. 所有这些都将帮助你在继续全职工作的同时提升你的职业生涯.

Push your skills. Improve your critical thinking. Care for yourself, your family, AND your patients. Are you ready to go all in?

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你需要关于项目和录取过程的问题吗? Reach out via email at age-admissions@xkd007.com or schedule an appointment with our Adult & Graduate Enrollment Representative.

Start Terms

  • February 24, 2025
    Online only

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点击下面获取更多信息,了解美高梅mgm平台项目招生的详细信息, curriculum, tuition, and more.


Program Details

8-week semesters

20 months

20 students

Bachelors: 31 credits
Masters: 29 credits


获得全面护理实践的深入知识,成为美高梅mgm平台的变革性医疗保健领导者或护理教育家. The R.N. to M.S. 该计划为每个学生在医疗保健机构和学术教育中的护理专业发展职位的教育计划做好准备. 学生准备在各种医疗保健设置的领导. 护理研究生院的每个学生都有机会获得最新的资源,并计划将他们的知识应用到实践环境中,成为领导者或教育者. Additionally, our M.S. 课程由来自各种护理机构的经验丰富的教师教授和领导.

Program Highlights


Save Time & Money! Earn Two Degrees (B.S. + M.S.) in 30 Months and Save $16,000 in Tuition

R.N. to M.S. Nursing - Education Track

R.N. to M.S. Nursing - Leadership & Administration Track

COMPLETELY ONLINE Program Delivery allows you to learn anywhere

LEARN one course at a time

Opportunities in Nursing

随着医疗保健系统的不断发展,护理工作的机会也在稳步增长. 现在是寻求高级护理教育的最佳时机,为未来的医疗保健角色做准备.

Roberts Wesleyan University offers an R.N. to M.S. 帮助您为领导或护理教育的高级角色做好准备的计划. 护理理学硕士学位为护理和医疗保健领域开辟了许多职业道路和机会.

为个人和社区提供医疗保健的组织需要具备高级领导和教育水平的护士,以满足对高质量医疗保健日益增长的需求. 护士有提供专业发展角色教育的需求, college settings, and patient education settings. The Nurse Educator track of the R.N. to M.S. 课程将为您提供卓越的护理指导做好准备. 护理领导和管理课程为各种角色和设置的领导者做好准备. Each course in the R.N. to M.S. 课程将为您在实践中取得卓越成就做好准备,并使学生能够:

  • 运用护理知识提供优质创新护理

  • 提供基于证据的护理,认识到个人的偏好、价值观和需求

  • 综合和传播最新的研究和证据,以改变护理和改善医疗保健结果

  • 与跨专业小组建立伙伴关系,以支持公平的人口保健

  • 运用质量和安全原则提供卓越的护理教育, Leadership, and Clinical Practice

  • 使用最新的技术和信息来管理医疗保健服务

  • Advocate for Ethical and Equitable Healthcare

  • Lead with Excellence

Those interested in the R.N. to M.S. 美高梅mgm平台提供的课程,可以通过美高梅mgm平台的“获取更多信息”部分继续探索该课程的详细课程设置, admission requirements, 以及美高梅mgm平台申请研究生院的额外信息.

Career Outlook

Nurses are needed in health more than ever before. Recently, 对准备好面对变化的护士的需求不断增长, complex needs of the healthcare industry. 到2029年,受过高等教育的护士和其他医疗卫生服务管理人员的就业预计将增长近32%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 这比大多数其他健康职业的平均速度要快得多. 截至2019年,护理管理职位的年薪中位数为100,980美元.

对于那些获得医学硕士学位的人来说,许多常见的医疗保健角色.S. include nurse leaders, nurse administrators, nurse educators, nurse informatics specialists, 以及公共卫生和社区卫生机构的领导者. Additional careers in nursing include:


  • Nurse Leader
  • Assistant Chief Nursing Officer
  • LPN Instructor
  • Hospice Supervisor
  • Unit Manager
  • Clinical Educator
  • Assistant Associate Director



  • University of Rochester Medical Center
  • New York State Office of Mental Health
  • Genesee Valley Educational Partnership
  • Oswego County Hospital
  • Mercy Hospital of Buffalo
  • Corning Hospital
  • Catholic Health System, Buffalo

Sources cited:

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Medical and Health Services Managers, at http://www.bls.gov /哦/管理/ medical-and-health-services-managers.htm (visited February 2, 2021).

Alumni Making A Difference

Kellie Murphy, M.S., R.N.

ACLS Program Coordinator & 罗彻斯特大学医学中心的护士教育家

Monica Seaman M.S., R.N.


Genie Rotundo, M.S., R.N., L.C.C.E., F.A.C.C.E.


Frequently Asked Questions



Not for all positions in nursing and healthcare.

Related Majors

Nursing Education, M.S. 护理教育硕士课程以护理科学为基础,重点是提高大学工作所需的临床和循证教学技能, university, and clinical settings. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
Nursing Leadership & Administration, M.S. - The Master's in Nursing Leadership & 管理以护理科学为基础,重点关注医疗保健的商业方面, evidence-based practice, 以及最新的技术进步来发展你的领导能力和知识. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
R.N. to B.S. in Nursing - If you are a working RN, 美高梅mgm平台的注册护士到学士课程可以帮助你在15个月内获得护理学士学位, in the classroom or online.
Adult and Graduate Admissions - 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792 (toll free) - AGE-Admissions@xkd007.com