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Analyze and study to protect public health.

The Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) prepares students for professional leadership roles in public health by immersion into an innovative academic and applied learning experience designed for working professionals. 在你的课程中, 你将发展价值观, 特征, 知识, and competencies required by emergent professional public health leaders. 除了, the program will give participants a comprehensive overview of health systems, 流行病学, 生命历程(LCT)理论, developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD), the epigenetic theory of disease transmission, 健康的社会决定因素, 以及疾病控制. This program can be completed in 12-24 months either full or part-time in the classroom.


Do you need questions about the program and the admissions process answered? 通过电子邮件联系 age-admissions@罗伯茨.edu or schedule an appointment with our Adult & 研究生招生代表.



    获取更多信息 by clicking below to request details on our program admissions, 课程, 学费, 和更多的.


    Public Health Master of Science Degree Program Details






    Admission to the Roberts public health degree programs requires a bachelor's degree from an accredited learning institution, 最好在IT相关领域工作, 业务, 或医疗. 另外, prospective MSPH students must have a standing GPA of at least 3.0对4.0 scale and complete the MTH 200 courses with a grade of C or above.

    最后, two years of professional work experience is desirable, but not required for those pursuing their public health master's degree.

    Students without the requisite experience may still apply, but admittance may require an interview with the Program Director.

    关于课程的资金问题, Roberts provides several financial aid and payment plan options to ensure all public health practitioners have the opportunity to earn a graduate degree.


    • 健康教育家
    • 公共卫生官员
    • 流行病学家
    • 生物统计学家
    • 环境卫生主任
    • 临床研究协调员
    • 非营利组织协调员
    • 非营利组织执行董事
    • 医疗保健咨询师
    • 研究
    • 公共政策
    • 公共卫生项目经理
    • 联邦、州、 & 市政府机构
    • 社区公共卫生机构
    • 咨询公司
    • 研究机构
    • 大学医院, & 非营利组织
    • International/Overseas Health organizations
    • 咨询中心
    • 营养教育机构
    • 工业企业



    Become qualified to critically identify, 定义, and propose strategic solutions to public health challenges

    Learn to create sustainable models of value-driven care for improving population and clinical health outcomes

    Capstone Project | combines education with hands-on experience

    Exam-free Curriculum | grades based on papers, presentations, and projects

    Pre-Admission tests not required | (No GMAT / GRE)

    Books Included | in the cost of 学费

    Applied Learning | course work can be applied immediately to work

    The 美高梅mgm平台 MSPH degree program examines common health care challenges that affect vulnerable communities. Our courses cover all necessary information required to help our graduating public health practice employees stand out in their careers.

    另外, public health graduates exiting the MSPH program with a deeper understanding of how health disparities are created, how things like food security impact global health, tested disease prevention techniques, health services administration to handle the clerical within the health profession, health services re搜索 to help the student draw accurate conclusions about public health trends, 社会正义, 还有更多.


    根据美国.S. 劳工局, public health is one of the fastest-growing professions on the market, with a 20% increase in available jobs expected up to 2026.

    Many professional employment opportunities open up after a student earns their graduate or doctoral degree, 如:

    • 生物统计学家
    • Computer and 信息rmation System Managers In Healthcare
    • 应急管理主任
    • 环境科学家
    • 流行病学家
    • 健康安全工程师
    • Medical and Health Services Managers
    • 公共卫生律师
    • Social and Community Service Manager

    Earning a master of science public health degree increases students' long-term earning potential compared to if they just had a bachelor's degree.

    The median wage of the lowest paying profession is around $85,000, while the highest can pay upwards of $100,000.


    卫生管理硕士.S. - The Master's in Health Administration is an innovative and contemporary blend of health administration and 业务 coursework designed to provide students with sought-after skills for medical and health services management. Working professionals can complete this degree in just 18 months, 1 night a week or 100% online!
    社会工作,城市生活垃圾 - The MSW program has a vision to lead the advancement of integrating Christian faith with social work practice, 奖学金, and service en route to an MSW degree.
    战略领导.S. - The Master’s in Strategic Leadership (MSL) builds on a foundation in 业务 administration coursework, 类似于MBA, but with a unique leadership focus that cultivates critical thinking, 战略的灵活性, 伦理决策, 展望, and the integration of core 业务 operations. Working professionals can complete this degree in just 18 months, 1 night a week or online!
    Adult and 研究生 招生 - 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu