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You are Gifted. You are Called.

Who are you called to be? What are you called to do?

认识神和知道神如何设计你是你人生旅程和找到你人生目标的关键!  你的兴趣、才能、信仰和服务的热情与世界的需要有什么交集?

通过仔细的探索,聆听神在你生命中的呼召, reflection, discussion, and obedience takes work! 祈祷,阅读,研究,并咨询朋友,家人,教师和 Roberts Career Development professionals, to discern what you love, discover your gifts and strengths, 打造一条塑造人生意义和目标的道路.

A Roberts education will challenge you to 发展你的个性和自我意识,建立沟通技巧, critical thinking, 技术和经验的机会,实践团队合作, equity and inclusion, leadership, and professionalism, 职业准备的重要组成部分,由 National Association of Colleges and Employers.

罗伯茨职业发展将帮助你找到符合你的兴趣和优势的工作道路. 在你寻找实习和就业机会或申请研究生院的过程中,美高梅mgm平台会一直支持你.  We will celebrate your successes with you. 

We have designed the Career Development Plan (example) to guide students through critical, 参与能让你发现目标的活动, building confidence, and becoming career ready. Current students can follow the plan here:  Career Development Plan

Career Development Team

美高梅mgm平台的专业人员随时准备为您服务! 在校生和校友可通过以下方式安排预约 Handshake (Click Career Center and then New Appointment) or stop in to see how we can assist you.  


  • career advisement/choosing a major 
  • career & personal assessment review
  • internship coaching
  • resume & cover letter writing
  • interview and networking preparation
  • employment search
  • graduate school applications

Student Testimonial from a post-meeting survey

我学到了很多关于写简历和如何格式化简历的知识! I loved how [C.D. 专业人士强调,简历可以用来让我脱颖而出,并有助于增加个人才华!  My meeting with [C.D. professional] was phenomenal; it was so helpful, 我迫不及待地想让雇主看到我的简历有多棒! 我绝对推荐任何学生使用就业中心,我很高兴我决定,因为这是完全值得的! ~H.C., Teacher Education

那些将自己的学术课程和职业道路与自己的兴趣和优势结合起来的学生成功率要高得多, earning potential, and satisfaction. 确定你的兴趣和优势,了解哪些类型的职业领域与你独特的才能相匹配:

  • Pathway U  兴趣、职业、价值观和技能评估
  • O*Net 职业研究,薪资范围,兴趣分析
  • Clifton Strengths Assessment for Students -第一年研修班的学生将在第一学期结束时获得参加此评估的代码.  美高梅mgm平台的团队在这里通过讨论和练习来指导你,帮助你关注你的天赋,并利用它们取得最好的成功.  

Student Testimonial from a post-meeting survey 

我了解到,在我的专业中有很多途径,我可以走下去,这将为我提供更多的农业/环境方面. 我还了解了我可以在当地工作的地方. ~Z.L.

美国大学与雇主协会(National Association of Colleges and Employers)确定了雇主在员工身上寻求的关键技能领域:

  • Communication
  • Technology
  • Self awareness and career development 
  • Critical Thinking.
  • Equity & Inclusion.
  • Leadership.
  • Professionalism.
  • Teamwork.

在大学期间专注于培养这些技能的学生将在实习和找工作的过程中占据优势,因为他们将成为优秀的员工!  询问罗伯茨职业发展专业人士如何有意地设计一个计划来培养你的专业技能,然后如何突出你的技能, strengths, and experiences on your resume.

罗伯茨的许多专业和项目都包含一个或多个必修实习, clinicals, internships, student teaching, and fieldwork into the academic curriculum. For majors that do not, 罗伯茨仍然强烈鼓励学生通过工作实习至少获得一次长期的体验式学习机会, study abroad, research with an outside agency, or long-term volunteering. The Office of Career Development, faculty, alumni, 和Handshake是学习如何找到这些经验的很好的资源.

Watch here:

Candid Career Video: Problem Solving


Use Handshake to search for and identify opportunities

  • Make your Handshake PROFILE stand out and keep it current!
  • Current students: use the Career Plan resources to prepare your Resume and upload it to your Handshake documents section
  • Meet with a Career Center professional to review your Resume and Handshake profile
  • 网络-连接与家人,朋友,罗伯茨的工作人员和教授,教会的兄弟/姐妹
  • 参加握手活动,与公司和组织建立虚拟联系并了解他们
  • Apply!
  • 通过模拟面试练习你的面试技巧

Student Testimonials from a post-meeting survey

美高梅mgm平台讨论了申请研究生院的过程,并讨论了我的策略. 我也计划了下一步要考GRE,并且已经报名了! 在我准备读研的过程中,这种资源对我来说是无价的. Thank you so much for all your help!  ~S.C., Psychology

我为我的博士实习和[C]做简历.D. “专业”指导了我写一份出色的简历的最佳实践,同时根据我的具体需求和经历进行调整……她确实是 非常棒,教会了我最新的简历写作技巧,同时也鼓励我突出自己的技能,这对我非常有帮助. ~Y.G., Psy.D.

It was clear that [C.D. professional] is incredibly experienced, 能够和她一起练习面试是非常值得的. 整个过程都很周到,她给了我很好的反馈. ~S.P., Psychology